A Wife, a mother and a friend, she has managed and over achieved in all areas. With a overwhelming drive to accomplish and achieve new things, Liesel is a guide and bright light to follow. An inspiring business woman with a strong passion to adhere to God’s will and rules and this passion with everyone. As a husband I could not have ask for a better wife or friend, and I can say the same for our two children. Her divers entrepreneurial mind has placed her on path with no limits and the ability to achieve anything.
Jacques van Zyl: Husband
I’ve always know Liesel to be a passionate, vibrant and inspirational businesswoman and mother. So when I heard she was starting the Inspiring Lives movement and specifically the Inspiring Women branch, I immediately wanted to be involved. Inspiring Lives has allowed me to connect with other women in a way where we can all share our life experiences, no matter where we are in our lives. The conferences have touched on topics that have helped me achieve more balance and peace in my life. It creates a feeling of community and love and really makes you realise how important it is to have a firm foundation with God in your life in order to experience His plan for you. I am so excited for the future of Inspiring Lives and what Liesel has planned for it in the years to come!
Megan Marshall: Inspiring Lives supporter
My sister demonstrates qualities of honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness. she communicates with me and doesn't forget what's important to me. as a sister, she's there in times of need and in times of celebration. She is Loyal, She is Compassionate, She Listens Well and She is Trustworthy.
Ingrid Danielis: Sister, Friend and Supporter
Liesel se karakter bewys van 'n baie geditermineerde vrou met uithou vermoe en reageer waar daar nood is. Haar Christenskap laat haar met liefde optree. sy het 'n baie sterk geloof en sy sal iets aanpak nog voor enigiemand iets kan sien en met 'n vraagteken benader tog word alles met groot sukses afgehandel. sy is baie dominerend maar kan tog verskoning vra as sy sien dit is verkeerd. ons sien haar as 'n suksesvolle sakevrou al was daar laagtes het sy met vrymoedigheid opgestaan en met groter geloof iets anders aangepak. haar geditermineerdheid het haar groot hootes in atletiek laat behaal. daardeur is sy nou 'n suksesvolle besigheids vrou wat Fusion Sports bedryf as Event organiseerder. Liesel se vermoe en hart om haarself as vrou en ma uit Spreuke 31 te laat lei is 'n sterk weergawe om ander vrouens na God se hart te lei. Hierdeur wys dit haar leierskappe van jong dogter tot nou as volwasse vrou vir hJacques haar man en ma vir haar 2 kinders Leriecia en Reinier. As sakevrou in die moeilike tyd vandag het sy hoogtes bereik as finalis vir die Uniteded Nations asook finalis vir Herch sakevrou. my gebede vergesel haar nog steeds as ma na groter hoogtes soos die Here 'n pad met haar stap.
Santjie Steyn: Mother
As my Employer she's good boss always lifting the spirit of the employee, she leads by example, she works with a plan ,always on schedule and she makes it simple for everyone to understand her concept. As a person she is a Very wonderful person, she's open to speak with, she will lift your spirit and guiding you through her experiences,she's a family person she loves her family, she's a wonderful person overall.
George Megana: Employee of 16 years