Over the years I learned that: “It is not about what you accomplish in life, but what you do to add value to someone else’s life that counts”.
I would like to share my walk as a God fearing Woman, a Businesswoman, a Wife, and a Mother.  I made many mistakes but God is so good and faithful, He uses our mistakes as building blocks for our character and growth.
I believe that we all go through things in life so that we can share our experiences with each other and help each other to become the amazing people we are meant to be.
I pray that God will reveal Himself to you through my journey and experiences and that you could be inspired and encouraged to embark on a vibrant walk with God which in turn will lead to spiritual transformation at the deepest level. 
That your own life is impacted in this manner and that you will begin to impact your family and the world around you for the better. 
I'm looking forward to our journey together.
With Love 